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Our story

Talking in Headset

Our mission

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We see a world where students are given more support in their studies. Our research found that many students often struggle with understanding concepts throughout their classes but do not have sufficient class time nor feel comfortable with the socially overwhelming nature of classrooms to ask questions. We empathised with the struggles students endure and found it unfair that they often had limited resources for help. We saw the detrimental cycle where students become lost with no direction when they experience confusion in their classes, which only leads to heightened stress. Classrooms are incapable of accommodating all students' needs and are not suited for many of their learning styles. This is why we have designed our services to listen to students thoroughly, offer assistance to them regardless of time, and treat them as valued learners instead of a number. Our mission is to provide one-on-one teaching services to students who may not entirely thrive in group learning environments while being readily available to aid them at any time. We pride ourselves on being responsive and will not rest until we have helped students unlock their capabilities. 

Tutors Twenty Four Seven was founded by a team of fresh university graduates. It stemmed from their experience with hectic student life. This entailed trying to balance countless deadlines, assignments, exam preparations, part-time work, socialisation with friends and family, mental health, and other commitments. The team related to the fact that maintaining consistency over schoolwork can be challenging due to the fast-paced environment of schools and universities. They also found that there was limited additional help and resources, especially at universities, as students are left to fend for themselves. They agreed that the lack of guidance could be isolating and not only worsen student performance, but also well-being. It was then that the idea behind Tutors Twenty Four Seven was born, where students would be given the opportunity to obtain additional help on their studies from experienced, well-trained tutors at any point of the day. Tutees can schedule lessons at any time of the day and contact their tutor at whichever time they please. Don't worry, we've been through the all-nighters and last-minute presentations too.

Our values


We aim to target our tutees' needs by utilising the different skills and teaching approaches of our tutors.


We train our tutors to be empathetic towards students throughout any challenges or circumstances they face. 

Relationship building

Our tutors are advised to build cordial relationships with their tutees instead of exuding power distances. 


We emphasise the importance of giving encouragement to build resilience in students and help them improve.


Our tutors are trained to stay committed to their roles and not lose sight of helping students succeed. 

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